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How You Can Stop Overworking Employees

Keep Your Employees From Being Overworked (Tips + Tools) How You Can Stop Overworking Employees
Keep Your Employees From Being Overworked (Tips + Tools) How You Can Stop Overworking Employees

How You Can Stop Overworking Employees

To get efficiency in the workplace, the answer isn’t asking too much of your staff; they will often accept.

Overworked employees eventually show exhaustion and burnout, decreasing productivity or employee turnover. 

Recognizing the warning signs of overwork and taking preventative measures will keep your staff content and productive.

Read on to learn what overworking is, how to recognize it, and how to deal with employee burnout in your company.

What Does Overworking Mean? ⏱️

To overwork is to work for too long. Doing too much for too long leads to physical and mental exhaustion. When employees overwork, they take on more than they can accomplish. 

A study from The Australia Institute Centre for Future Work found that the average Australian employee works over 6 hours of unpaid overtime weekly. The amount of overtime is equal to $460 per 2 weeks.


Source: The Australia Institute Centre for Future Work

Your standards may be too high, or the worker may have something in their life that makes it hard to complete the work.

5 Symptoms of Overworked Employees

How can you tell who’s overworking? The following ways are some of the most prevalent burnout warning signs.

1. More Emotional Displays 😡

You may believe that feelings have no place in the workplace, but your staff are still people. Maintaining professionalism and sensitivity when dealing with a coworker crying or under stress is critical.

Acknowledge how your employees feel, listen attentively, and keep your attention on them. Learn what’s happening, but don’t force them to discuss it. Let them cry to release their feelings to become more calm.


2. Consistent Lateness

Lateness is very common; in a Deputy report, they found that of 400,000 shifts in 2015, 40% started late. You must select your battles carefully here. 

You may need to intervene if an employee’s chronic tardiness is slowing production, stressing coworkers, or upsetting customers.

Learn from the workers what is keeping them late. Get them to commit to the agreed-upon start time or devise another mutually agreeable plan.

3. Pointing Fingers 👉

It’s common for people to assign blame when times are tough. Just because something is possible doesn’t imply it’s good for your team.

There are ways you can help discourage this behavior in your team, from admitting your own mistakes to encouraging direct communication among other team members.

A better approach is to focus on finding long-term solutions to the problem rather than assigning blame for the present.

4. Compromised Personal Life

Your workers may value their work more than their personal lives, which is a massive problem. Aid them by simplifying things in ways that don’t compromise their ability to complete the task.

Working from home is growing in popularity. It can involve working at least once a week through telecommuting, flex work hours, or a shorter workweek.

It may be time to create a work-life balance policy for your company. Leaders should set an example by enforcing the right example on their subordinates.

5. Low Customer Satisfaction

Staff members unable to provide adequate service to consumers may suffer because of workload overload. Also, they may gain dissatisfaction with the job.

According to a CiteSeerX study, almost 24% of Australian workers under 25 and over 44 experience job dissatisfaction.

However, it could be a passive defiance of the company’s terms. Maintain open communication channels to determine what’s wrong and why it’s happening. To ensure you provide excellent customer service, review your mission statement and post reminders around the office.

Also, make sure your customers know what to expect. If you make too many promises, you risk adding pressure on your staff.


Source: CiteSeerX

What Are the Consequences of Overworking in an Organization?

Having a “culture of overworking” in your workplace can lead to several issues.

1. Lower Productivity and More Errors

Loss of productivity is a significant issue that arises when employees. Their productivity may decline as time passes, even though they put in so many hours.

Overworked workers will make mistakes and cut corners.


Also, personnel anxiety and stress can lead to confusion and forgetfulness at work.

Significant problems and delays in the project may result from this. While working long hours to meet deadlines may be necessary, workers must take frequent breaks to avoid burnout.

2. Low Employee Morale 😢

If your employees face larger workloads for an extended period, their morale will suffer.


Remember that low employee morale is contagious! Furthermore, unhealthy behaviors like micromanagement, which stem from reduced output, might worsen the situation.

3. Lack of Commitment

Employees who work too many hours may lose interest in their jobs and, as a result, are less productive.

Workers may not like coming to work or dread resolving any issues. They could also have a short temper at work and become rude to customers and coworkers. 

In addition, overworking can stop people from taking pride in their accomplishments. Even if they meet a crucial deadline, they may not care. That disinterest adversely impacts their productivity in the office. When workers lack the drive to succeed, they stop trying to do so.

You must show commitment so your employees will follow you.


4. Challenges To Mental and Physical Health 🤸

There can be long-term repercussions on productivity thanks to an employee’s mental and physical health if they overwork or burnout.

Harvard Business Review links overworking to sleep, mood, and memory issues. As a result, some employees may seek solace in alcohol or narcotics. 

These problems can lead to turnover and overall employee loss. When workers experience burnout and quit their jobs for health reasons, businesses may incur considerable expenditures in recruiting, training, and integrating new staff.

5 Proven Techniques for Avoiding Overwork

You now know how to identify overworked employees in your firm.

But what are your options for dealing with them?

Here are five tried-and-true methods that reduces stress and overworking.

1. Take a Proactive Leadership Approach

As an employer, take steps to stop overworking your staff. Remember that if you don’t participate in the overworked workplace culture, it encourages others to do so!

Establish a trusting, transparent, and open communication atmosphere. If you’re a sympathetic and involved leader, your team members will come to you if they overwork. They may even present new ideas to you to stop overworking in the company.

Furthermore, being proactive can help you spot signs of burnout early on and take action before things escalate.

2. Build Team Trust


Source: PWC

Trust between workers is necessary for a team and company to function well. In fact, a 2023 PWC survey found that 91% of business executives stated that their crucial ability to build and maintain employee trust improves the company’s bottom line.

Employees must view themselves as part of a team and speak to one another as such. Members of a cohesive group pay attention to one another.

Also, the group will perform better if everyone can speak freely and openly. 

3. Promote a Good Work-Life Balance

Completing everything may make you think your staff needs more hours per week. However, employee burnout will likely occur in these cases.

You’ll do yourself and your business a favor if you encourage relaxation. Allow your employees to take lunch breaks and vacations, and ask for their input on vacation time. If possible, avoid having them work on vacations and holidays.

Giving your staff time off will make them more productive, happier, and less likely to burn out.


4. Create a "Culture of Care."

Is overworking a part of your company’s culture? If the response is yes, it’s time to rethink your work culture.

Creating a “culture of care” for an organization has many long-term benefits.

According to The National Library of Medicine, few employees value stress recognition, which is a statistic that must change going forward.

Hold one-on-one sessions with your staff to clarify the company’s expectations for them. Encourage them to provide input and feedback during these meetings. Take notes and let them know you’re paying attention. In this way, they will feel that you care for them.

5. Provide Incentives and Benefits 💰

Burnout can occur if you don’t appreciate employees for their work. Recognize employees in a way that makes sense for your business and its culture. Regardless, commend your staff for their efforts regularly. 

Using employee engagement software is a simple and efficient way to regularly and thoughtfully acknowledge your crew. You should also provide incentives and benefits to employees that are performing well.

Here are some examples of incentives and benefits you can provide to employees.


Final Thoughts on Avoiding Employee Overworking

Identify the causes of overworking using the recommendations in this article. Take the necessary steps to resolve them as soon as possible. 

After this, you’ll be able to build a healthy work environment that will result in happier and more productive employees!

To find more top tips about creating a brilliant workplace atmosphere, head to Tommy!