Tommy Associates Pty Ltd
Tommy Logo

Trust & Security

Tommy is on a mission to improve work-life-balance
and keeping your trust is critical to this mission.


Privacy by design is second nature at Tommy. Our privacy policies are designed to protect your and your customers’ data and we hold frequent audits on how we can do better.



Tommy commits to 99.99% uptime and only works with stable and highly-vetted third-party vendors such as AWS and Stripe to ensure our services are always available.



We protect your data with encryption and hold regular audits. Tommy keeps up-to-date on security measures to provide a high level of resiliency from identified risks.



Tommy servers are all hosting in the cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS).
AWS have strong safeguards in place to physically and digitally protect customer privacy.

Protecting Data

Protecting your and your customers’ data is a constant at Tommy.
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Team Tommy Access

Access to infrastructure and other aspects of the Tommy environment, as well as customer data, is strictly limited to those within our team that absolutely need it.
security report

How to Report a Security Issue?

To Report an incident of suspected misuse, abuse, or a security issue you have discovered you should contact [email protected] immediately. For issues that affect a single account, please reach out to us via our usual support channels.


Contact Us

Have a question or concern? Please email us at [email protected]