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12 Essential Skills In The Workplace

12 Workplace Skills You Need to Succeed
12 Workplace Skills You Need to Succeed

12 Essential Workplace Skills

There are certain skills that can transform the way you work, no matter what industry you operate in. Whether you’re a manager, CEO, or staff member, there are particular attributes that make you a better team player. For job seekers, these are skills that will make you more employable, too.

Here are twelve soft skills you need to succeed in the workplace.

Workplace Skills

1. Time Management 🕑

In most jobs, there are many things you need to do in a day. When you know how to properly manage your time, you’ll prioritize important tasks and delegate to others when needed.

When you have time management skills, team members will value your ability to work to a deadline. Plus, you’ll be less stressed because you won’t be trying to tackle twenty jobs at once.

Moreover, good time management is great for your personal life. It helps you manage your work-life balance and switch off after work.

Master This Skill: There are plenty of time management tools to help you manage your tasks. For instance, try Tommy! 🐕

2. Critical Thinking 🧐

Critical thinking is an essential skill set. Even if you think it’s not important for your job, chances are you will need these skills at some point. It will help you solve and prevent issues in the organization by analyzing trends and information. If you can learn how to view and analyze data, you’ll become a highly valued team member.

Master This Skill: Whenever faced with a difficult decision, try to think of it from a different point of view. Analyze any data with a close eye, vetting it cautiously. Plus, look at where information has come from and consider alternative views. All in all, this is a skill that takes practice.

3. Confidence 😄

Sooner or later

Confidence is one of the most vital soft skills you can possess. It will help you make better decisions and defend yourself when needed. Employers will also have more trust in confident employees, providing them with growth opportunities.

Plus, confidence can help you with project management and other tasks. When you’re confident in your decisions, you can better delegate and manage other employees.

Master This Skill: Dress for success in the morning, and fake it ’til you make it! Project confidence even when you don’t feel it, and try to emulate your confident peers. Finally, you can improve your confidence by investing time and effort in professional development to cement your skills.

4. Flexibility 🤸🏼‍♀️

Changes always happen, sometimes when you least expect them. You should be willing to embrace new developments and adjust to various situations. Furthermore, make sure you’re able to work in a team but also comfortable working alone.

In the long-term, learning to be flexible not only benefits the organization, but also yourself. It means you can comfortably tackle wherever comes your way, saving you unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Master This Skill: Adjust your expectations and learn to stay positive. Furthermore, set non-negotiables so you know which limitations you can’t compromise on, even in case of an emergency.

5. Emotional Intelligence 🧠

Although emotional intelligence is not an obvious attribute for employees, it’s a key skill in the workplace. It will help you empathize with your workmates, superiors, and even clients.

When you know how others are feeling, you can better understand them. Then, you will know how to move forward.

Master This Skill: Read books and articles on management skills. Also, improve your emotional intelligence towards yourself by paying attention to how you feel and behave. Bring those critical thinking skills into play by questioning your own opinions.

6. Innovation 👩‍🎨

The future belongs

Sometimes, you need to think outside the box. Whether you use creativity in your day-to-day job or you make the big decisions for the company, innovation can be a fantastic weapon in your arsenal.

Your workmates and superiors will both appreciate your innovation skills. Don’t be afraid to make suggestions and put yourself out there–people will remember you for your confidence and creativity.

Master This Skill: Attend workshops and push yourself out of your comfort zone. If you prioritize your mental wellbeing and examine diverse perspectives, you will create room for creativity to flourish.

7. Communication Skills 🗣

Every workplace requires communication skills. If you can’t communicate properly, you will have a hard time finishing tasks! In some ways, this is more important than technical skills.

You should know how to express yourself through both writing and speaking. Don’t worry if communication doesn’t come naturally to you.

Master This Skill: Attend classes and workshops centered around communication. These will give you some ideal practice with real-life examples of tough workplace situations.

8. Leadership 🧑‍💼

If you see a promotion in your future, having strong leadership skills will help you get there. Knowing how to lead a team will help you progress along the career path. But please note that managing people is not easy!

Being a leader requires a combination of multiple skills, such as communication, innovation, reliability, and more.

Master This Skill: Find someone you look up to in your career and ask them for advice on mastering leadership skills. Be passionate about learning and development, showcasing your commitment to leading a team.

9. Problem-Solving 🧩

Organizations encounter various problems. In fact, 36% of organizations across all industries require complex problem-solving.

Problem solving

Source: gpscorporate

It’s really helpful if their employees can help them to address these issues. Companies can save money every time they solve problems quickly and efficiently.Problem-solving skills are therefore highly valuable. You should know how to:
  • Identify the problem’s source
  • Solve the problem
  • Prevent it from happening again
Innovation is important here, too, because it helps you think outside the box.Master This Skill: Exercise your brain with logic puzzles or games.

10. Organizational Skills 🗂

Having organizational skills doesn’t only apply to your desk. You can use these skills to handle other staff and clients efficiently, alongside juggling multiple projects. If you work in an industry like social media, you will know how important it is to stay organized.

In this way, organizational skills are extremely important. They can also be beneficial if you’re working towards a promotion.

Master This Skill: Start by decluttering your workspace. A tidy desk = a tidy mind! Then, work on organizational skills through the use of software like calendars, to-do lists, and Tommy.

11. Integrity 🤝

If you have integrity, your colleagues will trust and respect you. Having integrity means you are honest, follow the rules and regulations, honor your commitments, and correct wrongdoings.

As an employee, having integrity helps you to foster a healthy work environment. It’s something your superiors will appreciate, and something your team members will respect you for.

Master This Skill: Integrity is a tough one to master. Put simply, you must always tell the truth, even when it’s hard. This one takes practice.

12. Patience ⌛️

Patience is perhaps the most important skill a worker can have. You will need patience to deal with tough bosses, nosy workmates, and demanding clients.

Everybody gets frustrated sometimes, but it’s important not to lose your cool. If you do, your colleagues (and bosses) may lose trust and respect for you.

Master This Skill: Practice mindfulness with meditation apps like Headspace or Calm. These will help you learn how to stay calm even in frustrating situations.

Master Your Time Management with Tommy 🐶

The soft skills mentioned in this guide will help you succeed in your career. Don’t worry if you don’t have them right away – nobody is perfect! Nevertheless, working on these employability skills will help you go far. Workers who strive for improvement are more likely to achieve their goals, after all.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your time management skills, why not try Tommy? Check out our features here.