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6 Ways Small Businesses Can Master Employer Wellbeing

6 Ways Small Businesses Can Master Employer Wellbeing
6 Ways Small Businesses Can Master Employer Wellbeing

6 Ways Small Businesses Can Master Employer Wellbeing

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, workplace wellness programs have become increasingly common. Small business owners are under more stress, so they need wellness programs to help them cope and keep their businesses running.

The pandemic aside, it’s essential to take care of mental well-being. More than 1 in 5 people will experience mental health issues at some point in their lives, so we need to try and help each other through the difficult moments.

In a recent Xero study, small business owners had a lower than average life satisfaction, likely due to the stresses that come alongside managing a business.

As an employer, it’s important to take care of your well-being so that your emotional well-being can trickle down to the rest of your company. However, keeping these within budget as a small business can be challenging. Here are six ways you can improve your employer well-being.

1. Mental Health 🧠


True well-being includes both physical and mental health. Prioritizing your mental health through daily activities can make a huge difference. For example, daily meditation offers many mental health benefits. Consider using an app like Calm or Headspace to help you learn meditation techniques.

Another technique is to set aside your lunch break properly. Ensuring you get proper breaks throughout the day can work wonders for your mental health. You could even go for a walk on your break, benefitting your physical, emotional, and social well-being (if you go with someone).

According to Gallup, poor mental health among employees loses business $340 per day for full-time workers and $170 per day for part-time workers. Now imagine these numbers when it’s the CEO who’s struggling!

It’s essential to prioritize your emotional well-being so that you can remain productive and look after your staff. Supporting employee well-being is essential, but it can only happen when you look after yourself, too.

2. Time Management 🕐

Running your own business has many advantages, and one of them is the privilege of time. While having control of your own time is a major benefit, the responsibilities of being a business owner can create uncertainty and stress.

It’s essential to prioritize time management. There are apps you can use, including Tommy, to help you see how you’re spending your time at work.

Getting organized can significantly improve your productivity, reducing stress by helping you tackle the to-do list. When you allocate time for rest and breaks, too, it encourages mental well-being at work.

When you don’t allow time for flexibility and breaks, you’re bound to encounter employee burnout. This applies to business owners, too. Make sure you’re clear on rules for breaks and vacations, encouraging your employees to take them. Lead by example by taking your own breaks every now and then.

3. Healthy Lifestyle 🏃‍♂️

Physical well-being should be another priority, as working out can have long-term benefits lasting into old age. It’s important to get moving, especially if you find yourself spending long hours at your desk!

Have you experienced back pain or headaches recently? That could be to do with sitting down at work. Not only can you get rid of aches and pains, but working out can also get those endorphins flowing, increasing worker productivity.

4. Work-Life Balance ⚖️

Work-life balance is crucial, but for some small business owners, it’s difficult to force yourself to switch off. However, maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for both yourself and your employees’ health.

If you want to improve employee well-being, work-life balance is a great place to start. Consider implementing optional remote working programs if possible, but still providing a way for employees to connect and socialize. Furthermore, make sure you’re paying fair wages to alleviate financial stress.

56 percent of employees

Source: Zippia

Employee wellness programs are, therefore, invaluable. As an employer, you can also take part in these programs.

5. Connecting with Colleagues ❤️

A strong support system is valuable for any small business owner. The need for support is higher when you’re struggling. Asking for help might seem hard, but it’s essential if you want to make improvements.

Your support system can include family and friends, but it also includes connecting with employees and colleagues. After all, if you know what’s going on with others in your business, you can eliminate the stress of the unknown.

Colleagues can also help you tackle feelings of isolation, which are especially important if you work from home. By building connections with those at work, you can boost employee engagement and ensure everyone is happy. Plus, it fosters a fun work environment.

As mentioned above, an employee well-being program is a great way to foster a positive working environment. With team-building exercises and other social events, you can also

6. Journalling 📔

Journalling is an invaluable way to alleviate stress and anxiety. By identifying and recording your emotions, you can get it all out and leave it on the page.

Have you heard of the Morning Pages technique? It began as a way for artists and writers to boost their creativity but is now commonly used as a well-being technique.

How to do morning pages:

  1. Get a small notebook or legal pad.
  2. Set aside half an hour each day.
  3. Write three continuous pages of stream of consciousness. It can include to-do lists, dreams, things you’re worried about, or things you’re grateful for.
  4. Leave everything on the page. Write everything, confident that nobody will see it.
  5. Don’t read it back, but feel free to note down anything you want to use for work.
  6. Recognize there is no right way to do this technique; it’s all about what works best for you.

Journalling in this way is a fantastic way to reduce your stress levels by getting everything out. It can be very freeing.

Final Thoughts: How to Improve Your Employer Wellbeing

Employee mental health is a hot topic in the post-pandemic world. But small business owners also have to take care of their own well-being. It’s essential to take care of yourself so that you can effectively take care of your employees.

If you’re looking for a way to improve time management and prioritize well-being in the workplace, check out Tommy. It’s your one-stop-shop for work-life balance, cutting some of the time you spend juggling schedules so that you can take some time out for yourself.

Go on, you deserve it! 😁