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9 Interview Techniques to Recruit the Best Employees

9 Interview Techniques to Recruit the Best Employees
9 Interview Techniques to Recruit the Best Employees

9 Interview Techniques to Recruit the Best Employees

Interviewing candidates for a role is challenging and requires specific techniques to understand potential employees, their skills, interests and capabilities. During an interview, it’s essential to put the person at ease and allow them to present themselves effectively. 🤩

For any business, hard-working, dedicated and motivated staff are essential, and the interview process can help you employ the best employees for the job. Hiring the right employees is vital for the growth and success of any business.📈

Interviewing can be challenging, and it can be hard to know what to look for, especially in the busy, fast-paced world of work. To find the best, most successful employees for your business, follow our top nine effective interviewing techniques and tips.

Why are Interviewing Techniques Important?🧑‍💻

Effective interviewing techniques are important as they’ll help you decide on the best candidate for the job. Whether it’s a single-person interview or a group setting, it’s important to put the candidates at ease to get the best results.👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽

During an interview process, copies of your resume aren’t enough. A candidate may seem experienced and suitable on paper, but an interview will allow you to get to know the person further. 

See how they react under pressure, whether they show up on time, how they present themselves and if they seem like a suitable candidate for the job with effective interviewing techniques.⏰

Let’s take a look at our nine interview techniques to recruit the best employees:

1. Pre Screening Candidates via Phone📱

This essential first step in interviewing candidates can illustrate the strength of their communication skills, which will help your hiring decision. From a shortlist, a phone interview can assist with further refining potential candidates for a face-to-face interview. In this prescreening step, you can ask critical questions, including essential skills, experience and aptitude for the available role.

This step allows your business to quickly assess the candidate’s confidence, communication skills, skills for the job and experience. These interviews are important as they’ll keep the process streamlined and productive. 

Statistics show

Source:   Forbes

2. Ask What They Know About Your Business and the Role💭

Assessing a candidate’s knowledge about your business, the critical skills needed for the role and their experience in similar positions can assist in refining the shortlist. A candidate passionate about succeeding in the interview and getting the job should know about your business and the role they may be doing.

Asking interviewees this will highlight their motivation and dedication to getting the job, as you can tell if they’ve spent their time preparing for the interview beforehand. 47% of employers said they’d be more likely to reject a candidate with limited knowledge about the company they’re applying to, demonstrating the importance of asking the questions.

You’ll want to hire someone who shows interest and passion towards your business, and this is an effective way to find out.

3. Start With Introductions🤝

Good communication skills are essential to almost every role and can be assessed through informal and formal conversation. Introductions are an excellent way to begin an interview and show how candidates present themselves. A candidate should be professional but friendly and avoid treating you like a family member or close friend. 

Take note of their body language and see if they struggle to maintain eye contact. 67% of employers feel that eye contact can make a difference to a person’s interview performance as it makes candidates look more prepared and confident. 

It’s important to remember that interviews are nerve-wracking😬, so keep this in mind, as the candidates will most likely be tense. However, if they arrive a few minutes early, demonstrate a confident and polite manner and seem like they want to make a good impression, you can begin to make a judgment about whether they’re suitable for the job.

It only takes 7 seconds

4. Panel Interviews May Offer Greater Benefits

Panel interviews can offer significant benefits as different interviewers have different styles, illustrating how a candidate responds. Furthermore, if questions arise during the interview, other interviewers may have the time to consider follow-up questions while the others listen and respond to the candidate’s answer.👥

A panel offers more objectivity on the candidate’s suitability, and once the interview is complete, you can discuss your opinions together. You may have a different interviewing style from another person on the panel, and you’ll be able to consider the candidate’s skills and answers by their responses.

5. Ask Situational Questions❓

Situational questions mirror common workplace issues and can help demonstrate the candidate’s capacity. By asking situational questions, you’ll be able to see how well the candidate can think on their feet and how they’d approach specific situations that may arise. 🤔

Examples may include:

  • What would you do if you made a mistake?
  • How do you manage conflict?
  • How would you go about learning a new task?

Allow the candidate some time to think about how they’d approach the situation. Take note of their confidence and their approach to the questions.

Interviewing is a lot less (1)

6. Consider Role-Playing

Role-playing situations with a potential candidate can present opportunities to see how they react to conflict, difficult situations or fast-paced environments. How the candidate responds to the situation may offer insight into their suitability.

Role-playing is a good interviewing technique as it gives insight into how a person may react in a particular situation. This behavioral interviewing technique will show how a person might handle a challenging situation, which is vital when finding the best employees for your business.👍

7. Ask Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions allow candidates to expand on their answers and illustrate their skills and experience. Asking ‘why’ or ‘how’ questions are generally more open-ended. Using the candidate’s resume to ask for further details about their skills, experience, and specific achievements can assist in refining the shortlist.

8. Confirm the Candidate's Expected Salary💸

Asking the candidate to confirm their expected salary may show their confidence in their professional skills. Their answers may demonstrate their interview preparation and dedication to working in a particular job.

According to the latest interview statistics, 91% of employers expect the interviewee to know the salary before the interview, so it’s worth discussing the topic during the interview.💰

9. Don't Forget to Ask Technical Questions❔

Technical questions which cover the critical aspects of the available role are essential to include in your interviews. It is important to have a list of these questions prepared before the interview; asking open-ended questions will allow you to assess the candidate’s knowledge, skills and experience. This may also illustrate additional skills which may be helpful for your business.

A lot of times

Interviewing potential candidates can be a challenging, time-consuming experience which highlights the importance of getting it right. Pre screening candidates via phone, assessing their skills, experience and knowledge through a panel interview, and situational and open-ended questions can assist in understanding their suitability, and you can action results based on how the person performs.

Are you ready to find the best employees for your business? Begin your compelling job interviews, and let us know how they go!