Tommy Associates Pty Ltd
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Managing jobs

Jobs will appear within your Experts section of the Partner Dashboard when you have been invited to provide a pitch. Jobs will remain accessible here throughout the lifecycle with filters to allow you to focus on what matters the most.

Jobs can have the following status:

  • –   New-A new job invitation that has not be viewed.
  • –   Opened-A new job invitation that has been viewed.
  • –   Pitched-A job that has been pitched and pending response from client.
  • –   Discovery-A job that was pitched and communication is active with client, but no proposal has been sent.
  • –   Proposed-A job where you have sent a proposal and is pending response.
  • –   Accepted-A current job in progress.
  • –   Declined-A job where you or the client has declined.
  • –   Completed-A job you have marked as complete.
  • –   Inactive-A job you have marked as inactive.
  • –   Expired-A job that has exceeded time limits for response.

Declining offers

If you know you’re not a good fit for a job offered sometimes is best to decline. You can do so my viewing the job details screen and clicking the Decline and confirmation button. If you choose not to respond that is ok, but it is ideal if you decline an opportunity as quickly as you know it is not suitable.

Expired jobs

New/Opened status jobs will automatically decline and expire 3 days after invitation. Pitched/Discovery/Proposed status jobs will automatically expire after 14 days of no activity. Expired jobs are archived and cannot be recovered.

Inactive jobs

Marking a job as inactive will archive the opportunity. This is most commonly used for Partners to know themselves the lead status.